Tag Archives: grumpy

Seven Dwarves Does a Week Make


Just for Fun!

I know. I usually post  Just for Fun! at the end of my blog, but I’ve been working on a new children’s book (which should tell you where my head is at the moment) and this little bit of whimsy just jumped right out at me. I hope you’ll bear with me.

As I sat at my computer early yesterday morning, it hit me that there just isn’t a definite feel to Tuesday. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday all have a luster about them that generates a feeling, a tingly I-know-what-day-this-is feeling even if there is no special event planned.  Monday has an almost palpable edge to it. I can feel it just thinking about it. And Friday is giddiness wrapped up in a big bow of relief.

I wanted to write something witty about Tuesday, something definable about the second day of the work week and I came up empty handed. Nothing. Zero. Zip. Nada. What word would I use to describe Tuesday? Blah came to mind and then one thing led to another and I found myself with pen in hand (!) scribbling down the names of Snow White’s seven dwarves. Hmmm.

Anyway, here goes:

Grumpy = Monday. Definitely Monday. If I had a word-of-the-day calendar of my own, Monday’s word would always be “Arrggghh.” When I was working in an office, Monday was “catch-up” day, eight hours of catching up on all the things that should have been done on Friday–or the Friday before that.

Doc = Tuesday, the day to make decisions. Doc was the smart one of the dwarves, the one to whom they turned for advice. Having recovered from Monday, Tuesday is the day to get a handle on the week, the day to make a plan.

Dopey = Wednesday. I can’t tell you how many times I heard co-workers say, “This is hump day! I still have two more days to get that [fill in the blank] done!” Yep, Dopey.

Bashful = Thursday. This is the day to stutter and hide, to shuffle papers, to look busy, and to whisper about what’s been done or should be done or might be done by Friday.

Happy = Friday! Happy Friday, Happy Friday, Happy Friday! “Did you get your work done this week?” “Nope, but I’m happy. It’s Friday!”

Sneezy = Saturday, the day to spend time fishing or hiking or hunting for butterflies or whatever in the great outdoors. Ah, the great outdoors. I’m not allergic to anything and I don’t suffer from hay fever, but having free time on a weekend is nothing to sneeze at . . . no, wait. Outdoors, Sneezy, Saturday. It has to fit because there’s only one more day of the week and that has to be . . .

Sleepy = Sunday. This is the best day of the week to sleep late or nap in a hammock in the afternoon shade. Sunday’s are sleepy days for me, days to curl up with a book, to relax and snooze, and to think about the week ahead. Which leads me back to . . . “Arrggghh.”


After the fact, I decided to do a quick search for other blogs, posts, or articles connecting dwarves with the days of the week. I knew there had to be something out there and lest someone point the finger of plagiarism, I wanted to be prepared. I found one blog post from November of last year. Click to read the post “Seven Days, Seven Dwarves.”

I also found a table of information at Ask.com. The names of Snow White’s Seven Dwarves have changed over the years but I stuck with the ones I knew from childhood, the 1937 Disney movie, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Apparently, in a 2001 version of Snow White, the days of the weeks replaced the names of the dwarves. Close, but no cigar.  The 2012 movie Snow White & the Huntsman not only changed the names of the dwarves but added an eighth, as did the television series, Once Upon a Time. (I’ll bet the writers are Beatles fans, as in “Eight Days a Week.“)

I hope you’re having a pleasant and productive Dopey and that I’ll see you on Bashful.