Monthly Archives: June 2016

Standing in the Light


At a crossroad, walking into the light.

You don’t have to agree with someone else’s life style.

You don’t have to agree with their politics.

You don’t have to agree with their personal beliefs.

You don’t have to agree with the way they raise their children.

Or groom their pets.

Or drive.

Or park their car.

You don’t have to agree with anything someone else does.

And you don’t have to like it–whatever it is.

You do have to let them be.

You do have to allow them to live as they choose.

You do have to respect everyone’s right to live/love/worship as they see fit.

All you need to do is step aside and focus on their humanity.

Focus on your heart.

Focus on who you are as an expansive being of light and let everything else go.

We are all standing in the same light whether we like it or not. And depending on where we stand, the light shines upon us in varying hues and shades of color. While we perceive the light that surrounds us with different senses of perspective and perception, the light stays the same. We cannot change the light.

We can argue that gold is better than white or blue is better than pink. However, the source of light is the same. The waves of light that give us life are exactly the same throughout the universe. The light will never change.

We are in this life together.

We are in this light forever.

We are One.